Welcome to this blog where I decided to share my love of reading.
As an only child, I had to find ways of keeping myself busy and books have been lifelong companions since then. My Mom used to read me bedtime stories, and I continued on my own as soon as I was able to read and understand.
I love sharing the books I fall in love with and the ones that simply made me feel something (not necessarily positively).
I am SO thankful for the public libraries I have been subscribed to over the years. No matter what we do, it’s hard to beat the feeling of paper under my fingers.
I was born and raised in France, where I married the love of my life and had two daughters. In 2009 though, we made the plunge and arrived in Canada to plant some new roots. We lived for about 7 years in beautiful British Columbia before moving across the country to Québec, in 2016. And then, back to BC in 2020…
You can contact me for collaborations and book reviews.